Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Steak & Shrimp Alfredo Parmesean

This dish is rated a 3 because it requires a lot of multitasking and good timing, but is VERY easy to prepare otherwise and definitely worth it!

What you'll need:
Thin-Sliced New York Strip Steaks
Peeled & De-Tailed Shrimp (Shopping Suggestion: Walmart, $5/bag!)
Newman's Own Alfredo Sauce
1/2-1 Cup Fresh Shredded Parmesean
Pepper (Fresh Ground Recommended)
Jane's Mixed-Up Salt
1/4-1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
1/2-1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder

-Thaw all meats completely before cooking.
-Melt butter/margarine in pan just a little warmer than medium heat. Throw in shrimp and allow to brown, draining moisture as needed.
-As shrimp browns, slowly grill steaks as you prefer. Season with Jane's Mixed-Up Salt each time you turn them.
-When shrimp is browned, add the jar of Newman's Own Alfredo Sauce, fresh-shredded paremesean, garlic powder, & pepper.
-Top the grilled steaks with shrimp & enjoy.

This dish is rated an 11 on a scale of 1-10 because it is just that good. Recommended to be served with buttered asparagus, pasta, & breadsticks.

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine

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