Tuesday, April 12, 2011

TEN MINUTE MEAL: Sour Cream & Onion Potato Soup

You will need a can of cream of potato soup, 3 scallions, sour cream, shredded mozzarella, & salt & pepper.

Dice scallions.

Heat potato soup just above medium heat. Add scallions and salt & pepper as desired. Fresh ground pepper is recommended.

Stir frequently. Once hot, pour into bowl. Top with a handful of shredded mozzarella and a dallop of sour cream.

This recipe is rated a nine because it's so simple, fast, and very affordable.

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Breakfast Mess (An Open-Faced Breakfast Sandwich)

This is rated a difficulty level of 1 so if you're new to cooking, bust out a non-stick frying pan and make your significant breakfast or room-mate some breakfast. :)

You will need 4 tablespoons margarine/butter, rouhly 1/2 cup vegetable oil, a bag of shredded hashbrowns, 3 eggs, 1/4 diced red onion, `1/2 green pepper (diced), 1 slice American Cheese per sandwich, 1/3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese per sandwich, 1 piece of toast per sandwich, and ketchup. (I made 5 sandwiches using this amount but it will depend on how you make your sandwiches. :) )

In frying pan, scramble eggs and cook well. Add 1/4 cup of vegetable oil after adding the bag of hashbrowns; also add the red onion and green pepper. Cook until hashbrowns are golden brown and vegetables are soft. Toast bread as it cooks.

Lightly butter toasted bread and top with one slice of american cheese, followed by ketchup, and then add a scoop of the hashbrown mixture. Sprinkle shredded mozzarella on top and enjoy.

For carnivores, I'd also recommended adding some shredded ham lunch meat. DELICIOUS! Another great thing about this recipe is that it'd be easy to double and make for an even bigger crowd. *Cough* In-laws in town? *Cough*

Thomas rates this recipe a 9 out of 10, even without the meat...and those who know him know that's saying something!

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Seasoned Pork Chops & Garlic Potatoes

Sorry for the delay on new recipes friends. My adorable little guy has been keeping this Momma plenty busy. Thank God for frozen pizzas!!! ;)

Don't I have the cutest excuse ever?

Anyways, on to cooking business...This is rated a 1 because it's so easy to make.

I recommend you fire up the grill for this recipe. :)

You'll need thawed pork chops (thin cut cook quickly), salad topping (you can buy at local grocery stores), tin foil, potatoes, garlic powder, salt & pepper, & butter.

Stir about 5-6 tablespoons of melted butter/margarine and salad topping in bowl. Place pork chops on tin foil on grill (set heat to medium). Top each pork chop with the salad topping and allow to cook. Flip meat at about 10-15 minutes.

For potatoes, cut into small pieces and boil until soft enough to poke with a fork. Drain water. Add butter, salt & pepper, and garlic powder (at your discretion).

I served ours with fresh baked biscuits.

This dish is rated an 8.5...it tastes like summer! Gotta love that grilled taste.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Bacon Bits Bliss

Grab a pack or two of bacon and get ready to spruce up some of your everyday favorite foods.

Just cook the bacon, let it cool, and break it into bits. Store it in a plastic bag and use it a little at a time.

Here are some ideas:

CUCUMBER SALAD: 3 cucumbers, a bottle of your favorite Italian or Basalmic Vinagrette, 2 cups shredded cheese, fresh ground pepper, a few shakes of tabasco sauce, and a handful of bacon bits. Makes for a GREAT Spring snack or side dish.

NACHOS: Ragu Cheddar Cheese (found in the spaghetti sauce aisle), nacho chips, and a handful of bacon bits. Delish and GREAT for entertaining.

BABY PORTABELLAS: Sautee in butter with bacon bits. Soaks up the flavor like a pro.

STEAKS ON THE GRILL: Cook steaks as desired. About 5-10 minutes before taking them off the grill, throw the bacon bits on top. Beef and bacon, who knew!

Use your imagination- bacon is a great ingredient to make your taste buds go crazy. Any other ideas? Feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment below. :)

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ranch & Old Bay Baked Wings

This is rated a 1 because anyone can make these delicious wings.

What you'll need:
-Chicken Wings (W/Bones & Skin)
-Ranch Dip Mix
-Old Bay
-Melted Butter (2 Cups/Dozen)

-Fully thaw the chicken wings.
-Preheat oven to 475 degrees.
-Spray large bakeware with cooking spray.
-Dip each wing in melted butter and roll, making sure the wing is completely covered in butter.
-Sprinkle ranch dip mix OR old bay over wing and rub so that it covers the wing evenly but DON'T BE SHY; use a lot or the flavor won't be as strong. Place each wing in large glass bakeware, preferably not touching.
-Bake in oven for 45 minutes to an hour or until wings are completely cooked.

The nice thing about this recipe is that you can use any dry mix so feel free to experiment. Thomas Stine only rates this recipe a 7 because he prefers FRIED wings (but these are healthier!).

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sweet & Tangy Pork Chops

This dish is rated a 1 on the scale for preparation difficulty. Great  for entertaining- easy to make yet extremely delicious.

What You'll Need:
-Large Glass Bakeware
-Thinly Sliced Pork Chops (Only because they bake faster)
-1 Cup Melted Butter/Margarine
-1 Green Pepper, Thinly Sliced
-1 Pack Small Mushrooms, Thinly Sliced
-1/2 Red Onion, Thinly Sliced
-1 Small Can Diced Tomatoes
-3-4 Cups 1000 Island Dressing
-1-2 Cups Shredded Mozzarella

-Thaw pork chops.
-Preheat oven to 475 degrees.
-Coat bottom of large bakeware with melted butter/margarine.
-Place pork chops in bakeware, spaced out as well you can. Lay vegetables over the pork chops, spread out diced tomatoes, and drizzle 1000 island dressing over everything.
-Cook at 475 degrees for a half hour or until pork chops are fully cooked but still tender.
-Sprinkle with mozzarella and enjoy.

This dish is rated a 10 on the taste scale by Thomas Stine.

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine

Fair-Style Sausages

Mmmm who doesn't crave a fair-style sausage? Here's my recipe for AMAZING sausages that you don't need a fair to have and it's rated a 1 because anyone with a crockpot can make these!

What You'll Need:
-6+ Small/Medium Sausages (I prefer mild because the sauce matches the flavor well!)
-1 Red Pepper, Thinly Sliced
-1 Green Pepper, Thinly Sliced
-1 Red Onion, Thinly Sliced
-1 Can Tomato Sauce/Paste
-2 Small Cans or 1 Large Cans Diced Tomatoes
-1-2 Cups Vegetable Oil
-Pepper (I Recommend Jane's Mixed Up Pepper)
-1 Tablespoon Sugar
-1 1/2 Tablespoon Oregano
-Steak Rolls

-In a crockpot, place all ingredients but the steak rolls and stir. Be sure the sausages are submerged.
-Set heat to high to cook in 4-6 hours, low to cook for longer than that. Cook until all vegetables are soft.

On a taste scale this is rated a 9 by Thomas Stine.

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine

Steak & Shrimp Alfredo Parmesean

This dish is rated a 3 because it requires a lot of multitasking and good timing, but is VERY easy to prepare otherwise and definitely worth it!

What you'll need:
Thin-Sliced New York Strip Steaks
Peeled & De-Tailed Shrimp (Shopping Suggestion: Walmart, $5/bag!)
Newman's Own Alfredo Sauce
1/2-1 Cup Fresh Shredded Parmesean
Pepper (Fresh Ground Recommended)
Jane's Mixed-Up Salt
1/4-1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
1/2-1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder

-Thaw all meats completely before cooking.
-Melt butter/margarine in pan just a little warmer than medium heat. Throw in shrimp and allow to brown, draining moisture as needed.
-As shrimp browns, slowly grill steaks as you prefer. Season with Jane's Mixed-Up Salt each time you turn them.
-When shrimp is browned, add the jar of Newman's Own Alfredo Sauce, fresh-shredded paremesean, garlic powder, & pepper.
-Top the grilled steaks with shrimp & enjoy.

This dish is rated an 11 on a scale of 1-10 because it is just that good. Recommended to be served with buttered asparagus, pasta, & breadsticks.

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine

Breakfast Chicken- For Dinner!

This is rated a 1 because anyone can make this dish. :)

What you'll need:
-Large Glass Bakeware
-Chicken Breast Tenders (Skinless/Boneless)
-Bacon (10-15 Slices)
-Shredded Hashbrowns
-2-3 Cups 1000 Island Dressing
-2.5 Cups Melted Butter or Margarine
-1 Tablespoon Minced Onion
-1/2 Small can Diced Tomatoes
-1/2 Cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
-Tobasco Sauce
-Salt & Pepper

-Fully thaw all meats and hashbrowns.
-Cook bacon until well done. Allow to cool and cut bacon into small bits. Set aside bacon grease; you will need this.
-Preheat oven to 475-500 degrees.
-Using 1/2 cup of melted butter or margarine, pour into bottom of large glass bakeware and spread around well to prevent chicken from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
-In large bowl, slowly and carefully stir hashbrowns, remaining melted butter/margarine, dressing, minced onion, diced tomatoes, a few pinches of thymes, some tobasco sauce (based on your personal preference), and salt and pepper (also as you prefer). Be sure you stir slowly so that the hashbrown do not become mushy.
-Put the chicken tenders in the large bakeware. Spread hashbrowns evenly overtop.
-Place the bakeware in the oven set at 475-500 degrees for a half hour to an hour (based on your oven; I cooked mine at 500 degrees for roughly 40 minutes).
-When chicken is finished, sprinkle cheese over the top and enjoy. I recommend serving with green beans and rolls brushed with sweet butter.

On a scale of 1-10, this dish is rated an 8 by Thomas Stine.

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine

Kelly's Kookbook

Hey ya'll. :)

Everyone is always asking me about my recipes and I have many friends who dine with us and love my food. Based on the high demand and the loads of questions, I have decided to make an online cookbook called Kelly's Kookbook. I'll try and add at least one recipe a week with a taste rating between 1-10, ten being the best. I will also rate the difficulty of preparing each dish with a 1, 2, or 3; 3 meaning it might be more difficult to prepare or more work.

Eat your heart out,

Kelly Stine